
Watch all of your favorite episodes of Baku Mania!

Season 1

Episode 1: A Cat's Best Day!
- Baku goes out to have a great day in the town of Shebeki!
Episode 2: Sugar Rushed
- After seeing Baku's hyperactive energy, the Qowu Twins try to replicate the effect, but chaos sparks when it happens!
Episode 3: The Kitsune and the Neko!
- When Baku meets his rival Maki Chelsi, the two of them compete to see who is the better classmate!
Episode 4: A Hard Night's Work!
- Tevki the dog doesn't get a lot of sleep, but there's a good reason as to why he doesn't.
Episode 5: Turkmenbashi!
- A new bunny called Tsuki comes to town, and she's from Turkmenistan and Japan at the same time! What could go wrong?
Episode 6: Adventure in Sakartvelo!
- Baku and his friends go to the nextdoor country of Georgi-I mean, Sakartvelo.
Episode 7: Foe of the Republic
- Baku meets his evil counterpart known as Bilkou Shikou, and when the latter torments Baku with the Azeri SSR (The country before Azerbaijan), Baku must face his fears.
Episode 8: Service Pack
- Sora tries to help Baku install Furrysoft Crystal XD, but when his bipolar persoanlity gets the best of him, it gets hard for the two of them.
Episode 9: Dragon's Speed
- Tayto the Dragon speaks at a really quick rate, so his parents try to help his friends understand him.
Episode 10: Show and Tell
- It's Show and Tell day at Baku's school! Unfortunately, things get hectic when Baku brings in uranium-235!


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