Salam, my friend!

This is my first letter to everyone out there, but I wanted to ask you, how are you doing? For me, I'm doing yaxşı, good! Have you eaten yet? Drank something? Done anything creative! If yes, that's great, and hope you do more! If not, that's okay! Today's a perfect day for it! I've just gotten done making another drawing, and I'll be happy to share it with you if you want! Also, you're welcome to come over to Shebeki if you want! We're a paradise for nostalgia lovers from what I've heard! Just make sure you weren't born after 2009, xaxa! I have a lot of candy and tea to share if you ever pass by my house! It's on the beach around the coast of Shebeki, by the way! I can also show you to my friends! I'm sure y'all will get along! That's all I gotta say!
Lots of love from me and Azerbaijan,